Weekly Project Update:Synthetix、MakerDao and Top 11 Projects' update
Colin Wu . 2022-08-27 . Data

Editor:Colin Wu

1、BendDAO faced a liquidity crisis and proposed BIP#10 to amend the Liquidation Threshold implementation schedule. Link

Summary:Due to the depressed NFT market, BendDAO may induce many users to pledge NFT to lend ETH, but few are prepared to store ETH, causing an imbalance in the pool's supply and demand. After the community proposal adjusted specifications and Web3 fund ABCDE proposed 10,000 ethereum liquidity, the lending pool liquidity regained.

News:On August 19, cryptocurrency analyst Cirrus tweeted that the NFT lending market is at risk of liquidation, with 32,267 Ethereum NFTS utilised as collateral in BendDAO. Many BAYC and MAYC in BendDAO have health coefficients below 1.2, near the liquidation level. On August 22, 28 NFTS in four categories—BAYC, Doodles, MAYC, and Clone X—were liquidated in BendDAO.

On August 23, BendDAO published BIP#10, a new proposal that adjusts the clearance threshold and auction cycle implementation plan. The same day, NFT BIP#10 was approved. The plan calls for a progressive increase in the liquidation threshold to 70%, a four-hour auction time instead of 48 hours, a 20% ETH benchmark rate, and a vote by the BendDAO community on what to do when bad debts materialise.

2、The founders of Synthetix proposed SIP-276 to cap the amount of $SNX at 300 million. Link

News: On August 26, Kain Warwick, founder of synthetic asset protocol Synthetix, proposed a new governance proposal, SIP-276, which plans to cap the total supply of SNX tokens at 300 million to end inflation. To be more specific, this SIP caps the supply of SNX at 300m tokens and elevates the token supply to metagovernance status, meaning that any future changes to the token supply will require a unanimous vote by the Spartan Council. The inflation for the current fee period has been minted raising the total supply to 293,251,260.79 SNX. After the current inflation is distributed this period, inflation will run for a further ten fee periods with 674873.92 SNX minted each week until the total supply reaches 300,000,000.

Comment: After 6 weeks, the total quantity of SNX will reach 300 million, at which point inflation will cease, making the SNX a zero-inflation token. Note whether Synthetix's model functions without inflation.

3、The Cosmos Eco-EVM compatibility chain Evmos announced that it will upgrade to version 8.0.0, enabling the Feesplit module and the DApp Store.  Link

The Cosmos Eco-EVM compatibility chain Evmos announced on August 24 that it will upgrade to version 8.0.0 within the next six days, enabling the Feesplit module and the DApp Store. The